Monday, December 30, 2024

Retro Posts: Since the blog I started in 2009 no longer works, I'm transferring my favorite posts from that blog to my new blog here

A Retro Post From 2009 - Samson Wants To Play On A Rainy Day

I'm having such a boring day! It just rains and rains and nobody wants to be outside and play.

Angel, will you play with me in the house? Please, please…

Will you look at this weather, it's raining, it's storming and some white stuff is falling from the sky...what did you say, Mommy? Hail? OK, it's hailing too, so what's a dog to do?

Look at all that water – I hope we won't be floating away.

We're stuck in the house, so Angel we might as well just make up a game….

OK, if that's the way you want to be, I'll just make up some game of my own. Like biting your rear end! I bet you didn't like that, so why don't we play 'Steal Mommy's Shoe' -- you don't feel like it? Aww....

OK, I'll just play by myself --- this one's called 'Crossing the Abyss' -- I bet you didn't think I knew such big words, ha!

See, I made it! I crossed -- see Daddy was a mountain climber and he told me a few old stories and taught me some tricks..

Oh, oh! I guess he forgot to tell me how to get back. Woof, woof,  I don't think I like this, it gives me a kind of dizzy feeling….the abyss seems much bigger going this way.

Phew, I made it back in one piece. Climbing isn't as easy as it may seem.


This post reminded me that it used to rain buckets here and each winter would bring snow, sometimes lots of snow. 

I found our home on the internet and as we drove into town, there was a large welcome sign, reading:

Welcome to the Land of Four Seasons

I feel that now, all I can do is to hope for a little bit of the winter part, the part that made me want to move here. At this point, I'd even settle for some buckets, ok, small buckets of rain.

My 15-day weather forecast shows no sign of rain, and temps in the 50's and 60's with one day projected at 45 degrees. Night time temps are in the 30's and 40's, with tonight's and tomorrow night's temps at 31 degrees and one other night at 32. 

I'm now writing about January here...

Just sayin'

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Merry Christmas

Here is a Swedish Jultomte to wish you God Jul and Merry Christmas! He was made by my grandparents, well over 100 years ago, from pipe cleaners, yarn and some other things. He is one of my most treasured belongings and it wouldn't be Christmas for me without him.

My grandmother embroidered the most beautiful table cloths, runners, and other decorative things for the home all her life. She was very accomplished and I have some gorgeous tablecloths that I inherited. 

She was well into her 80's when she made this Christmas table runner for me. I remember my grandparents at Christmas and these things bring to life all the Christmases we used to spend together when I was a child.

When we were really young, grandpa would disappear and Santa Claus or Jultomten, as we call him, would come knocking on our door, wondering out loud:  "Have the children of this house been very good this year?"

Our best wishes for a wonderful holiday season.

Inger and Faith

Sunday, December 22, 2024

The Story Of The Nordic Christmas Goat

I don't remember when I brought my Swedish julbock, Christmas goat, with me to America. But he's been with me for many, many years and it wouldn't be Christmas without him here.

The presence of the Christmas goat may relate back to Tangrisnir and Tanngnjostr, the two goats who in Nordic mythology pulled the god Thor's chariot. 

Legend also has it that in pagan times, the last shief of corn from the harvest was thought to have magical powers. It was saved for the Yule celebrations and later became julbocken, the Christmas Goat, who is always made of straw. 

Not sure if the last paragraph makes sense, but I guess magical powers can make the Christmas goat materialize from a shief of corn.

These days in Sweden he's usually found under the Christmas tree, making sure all the presents are safe until Christmas Eve when they will be opened. 

But he now also appears in much larger, sometimes gigantic versions (not made of straw), in the town squares of many cities in Sweden. 


Saturday, December 21, 2024

So How Dark Is It?

Since I've mentioned a few times now how dark it is in Sweden in December, I thought I should let you know just how dark it really is there. 

So I Googled Sunrise and Sunset in Stockholm, Sweden ~ my hometown:

12/21 Sunrise: 8:43 AM --- Sunset: 2:48 PM

So six hours of daylight, which I never minded. It was lovely to walk in the dark, looking at the lit up stars, I mentioned earlier,  in the windows of the city

I've read about the debate concerning the spring forward, fall back time changes and if that one hour could be detrimental to our health. 

So what happens to people in the far north of Sweden, where the polar night lasts about 28 days?

Studies have been made:

Yes, studies have been conducted on the effects of the polar night on people living in northern Sweden, with findings suggesting that while some individuals may experience negative impacts like disrupted sleep cycles and potential mood changes due to reduced daylight, not everyone is significantly harmed, and some may even find the polar night to have positive aspects on their mental health; however, further research is needed to fully understand the effects across different populations in the region.

I would not mind the polar night, I always liked the dark winter days.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Thinking Of My Mom On Her Birthday


Dear mom, I think of you today on your birthday, well, I actually think of you most days. 

It was so lovely, coming home from school and sitting down with a cup of hot chocolate with French rolls and tell you everything about my day. 

 You were a wonderful mother and all of my life without you, I've missed you, missed our always great talks, missed your caring, and so much more.  

I'm so grateful that you brought me up well and let me go when it was time. Go far away because you knew I needed and wanted to. 

I'm so grateful to you because you taught me values that have helped me live a good life full of friends, and Errol, and now my dog Faith. Oh, how you would love Faith...

I will always love you, jag ska alltid aelska dig, 

Din Ijalill

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Sore Throat And Sniffles,

 who has time for that this time of the year?

I've been sick since Thursday and I'm pretty sure it's going to take about a week for me to get better. 

A couple of posts that I wrote will post and of those I hope you will read the story of the Christmas Goat. 

Just wanted to let you know because I will not read blogs or be online for about a week. 

Enjoy the season...

Friday, December 13, 2024

Santa Lucia Celebrations in Sweden

Throughout history, people in the Nordic countries have celebrated light in the dark and cold of the approaching winter solstice. 

In the old calendar, December 13th was the longest night of the year. It was also the most dangerous. A night when animals could speak and fairies, trolls, and giants roamed the forests. In the countryside, young people would dress up in costumes and go from house to house, singing songs, and eating and drinking with their neighbors. The custom of a Lucia dressed in white was first recorded in 1764, but didn't become popular until the 19th century. 

The tradition continues today. On December 13th, Santa Lucia Day is celebrated in Sweden with festivals of light across the country. At the darkest time of the year, people are reminded that our earth will soon begin to turn toward the light of spring.

According to tradition, the eldest daughter in the family, wearing a white dress with a red sash and a crown of candles, brings coffee and Lucia buns (lussekatter) to her parents in bed. 

Santa Lucia is crowned in schools, churches, and communities all over Sweden and processions are held with the Queen of Light leading her court. 

Everyone holds candles and sings the old Neapolitan song, Santa Lucia, in a translation that celebrates light coming to this dark season. 

Please click on the link below to hear Andrea Bocelli sing a gorgeous rendition of the original Santa Lucia song.


Wednesday, December 11, 2024

A Sicilian Saint Inspires A Festival Of Lights In Sweden

This has been posted previously at this time of the year. 

It's believed that the story of Saint Lucy was brought to Sweden by monks. This would be similar to the story they told:

Saint Lucy was a Sicilian woman who was martyred in the year 304 AD. A common story suggests that she would secretly bring food to persecuted Christians who lived in the catacombs of Rome and, in order to keep her hands free, she wore a crown of candles on her head. 

Another legend tells us that she consecrated her virginity to God through pious works. After she refused to marry her betrothed, a pagan man, he became infuriated and reported her to the authorities. When guards came to arrest her, she was so filled with the Holy Spirit that they couldn't move her, even with a team of oxen. The guards then gathered materials around her and set them on fire, but she didn't burn. In medieval accounts, Saint Lucy's eyes are gouged prior to her execution and she is often depicted in art carrying her eyes on a tray.

Saint Lucy, by Domenico Beccafumi, in a 1521 recasting of an iconic Gothic image. It was said that Saint Lucy was tortured with eye gouging, hence this rather disturbing image. The picture, as well as some of the history of Saint Lucy, are courtesy Wikipedia. 

Saint Lucy is the patron saint of the blind. Her name is derived from Lux, Latin for light, and she is presented with light in art and literature.  Saint Lucy is one of only seven women, aside from the Virgin Mary, commemorated by name in the Canon of the Mass

Beginning in the 19th century, she became celebrated on December 13th as Santa Lucia in Sweden. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Missed Doctor's Visit

Just a quick note to let you know that I didn't see the doctor yesterday.

I decided, as I always do before a trip, to fill up my insulin pump before we took off.

And the pump, for the very first time, after many years of service, malfunctioned. 

I got to a certain place in the programming for insertion of new insulin, when the pump told me to revert back and rewind. 

I tried many times to no avail. 

Since I couldn't go to Bakersfield to see the doctor without insulin and since injecting it the old fashioned way would be a challenge if I hit the road right after, not being sure if I took the right amount and so on. 

So I cancelled my appointment and will call the doctor today.

I will let you know what happens and I thank you for your concern about the well being of  my heart. 

No one in my family had any heart issues and I've always had, as a cardiologist once told me, "A great heart!"  

So I will let you know, thanks for your concern, you are good friends, for sure.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Mornings With Faith ~ The Rock And The Rollator

Since I need to rest and catch my breath frequently on our walks, I ordered a walker, or as I like to call them, a rollator. It has arrived, but I haven't unpacked it. Kenny will help me today.

I don't need to use it in town, I have my cane to help me there. So for now, I will only use it on our walks, and with that in mind, I ordered one with sturdy terrain tires.  Of course, it's blue. 

So once I get it going, I can stop and rest any time, which I hope will lead to longer walks. I still love to walk, there's nothing wrong with my legs, just this breathing issue. I'm actually seeing the cardiologist today, hopefully, after the tests I've had, he will have some answers for me. I'm a bit worried and scared, but will deal with it. 

All these years, I've rested on our big rock in the front yard and probably still will. Both Faith and I love to sit on the rock to relax and look at the mountains that surround us. We will still sit on our rock, I'm sure of it.

I love her ears and the fluffy fur on her neck.

As we sit there, we may turn into shadows. But don't worry, we always return to our real selves after a while.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Second Sunday In Advent

The candle we light today represents Peace. Such a simple and beautiful word, Peace.  

I'm fortunate to live a very peaceful life here. I have no idea how I would cope with living in or under a threat of war. 

Today, on this day dedicated to peace, I will think of the people in Damascus, the capital of Syria, as rebel forces approach. I'm sure most of the people in the capital want to live peaceful lives, they don't want to face troops, death and destruction.  

I will think of the Swedish Village in Ukraine, bombed by Russia, and 80% destroyed. 

I see films from Ukraine on Swedish TV, young people, so brave, so determined to live happy lives, while under constant threat. Dancing, a lot of dancing in the films and a lot of smiles, young people being young people. Beautiful to see. But they need Peace.

I will think of my blogger friend in Israel, also in a war. Or maybe there's a cease fire, but not sure if in all the conflicts. Looking it up, cease fires have been negotiated, it said, with Lebanon, Hezbollah, Hamas, and new efforts to reach a Gaza cease fire deal are underway. 

I can't even imagine what it would be like to live under those circumstances. 

Those are three places I know of right now, where a lasting Peace is much needed. I'm sure there are more...

Friday, December 6, 2024

A Conversation I Will Not Forget

In line at the post office, I talked to a man.
He told me he went down south to pick up his dad
who, suffering from dementia, was in a bad place.
The man told me his dad has fits of rage, falls down,
gets hurt, wanders off, police has to be called.

I asked the man if he could take care of himself 
in the midst of all this.
He said, “I always thought it weak to take pills,
now I take a Valium every morning 
just to make it through the day”

He told me his mom raised her kids by herself.
“What about your dad?” I asked
“I was terrified of my dad,” he said 
“and glad when he left.
He beat my mom and us children too.
I was very scared of him then.”

“And now you’re taking care of him?”

The man said, simply, “he’s my dad...”

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Princess and Angel ~ A Retro Post From 2009

My blog that I started in 2009, broke down a few years ago when comments could no longer be posted. After some time, I noticed that every single comment for a period of about fourteen years had disappeared. It's taken me some time to get over my hurt and feel joy about blogging again, but I do now. 

Since I don't know if that blog will completely disappear, I plan to go through it and copy posts that mean something to me and I think you may enjoy, over to this blog. 

I plan/hope to post them on Thursdays.  This is my first such post and it's from 2009.

In 2009, my Labrador mix, Princess, helped me write blog posts, this is one of hers:

 Sometimes my sister Angel gets such outbursts of Joy! She just has to grab something, usually mommy's slippers or a sock. This morning, Angel was running wild, first with a slipper and then with a sock. She was running so fast that only one or two pictures that mommy took came out OK, even though the camera setting was on Kids & Pets. (That's for when you play and run.) But I hope you can see the pure joy in Angel's face as I try to catch her and steal the sock!

Oophs! She got some papers too and tore them up.

And here she is, trying to look innocent, but anyone can see how she slobbered all over the slipper.
Here she is with mommy's sock!

And here I am, trying to steal it from her. No such luck for me!

Posted by Me -- Princess!


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