Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Thinking Of My Mom On Her Birthday


Dear mom, I think of you today on your birthday, well, I actually think of you most days. 

It was so lovely, coming home from school and sitting down with a cup of hot chocolate with French rolls and tell you everything about my day. 

 You were a wonderful mother and all of my life without you, I've missed you, missed our always great talks, missed your caring, and so much more.  

I'm so grateful that you brought me up well and let me go when it was time. Go far away because you knew I needed and wanted to. 

I'm so grateful to you because you taught me values that have helped me live a good life full of friends, and Errol, and now my dog Faith. Oh, how you would love Faith...

I will always love you, jag ska alltid aelska dig, 

Din Ijalill


  1. Happy Birthday to your mom, such a sweet photo and I know its a precious reminder of memories long ago

  2. I think I could recognize you there! Oh, how I feel the same way about my mom. What a beautiful tribute. Happy heavenly birthday to her.

  3. What a wonderful photo! And your Mom looks so happy! We will never quit missing our Moms.

  4. It is a blessing to have such a mother. :). The picture is lovely.

  5. Such a lovely photograph.
    I think of my dear Mum every day she is always with me, I have so many wonderful memories.

    My good wishes to you Inger.

    Al the best Jan

  6. Such a beautiful tribute to your Mom who raised you to be a beautiful and wonderful person. I treasure that you are in my life even though we don't communicate as much anymore... you are always in our thoughts and prayers. Merry Christmas and wishing you a very happy New Year!

  7. A wonderful tribute. I think of my mom often too. Happy holidays!


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