
Small-town Love

  I wrote the email below to my friend Sandra, who then suggested I post it here. I agreed, it's important to share when good things happen and caring strangers reaffirm your faith in humanity.   I was suffering from a too fast heart beat, as soon as I walked just a few steps, it would start. It's OK now, I stopped drinking coffee and my heart immediately slowed down.  This is the email to Sandra:  Yesterday, I had to shop. I tried my best to walk up and down the aisles, but it became too much for me and as I leaned over my cart, people came up and were concerned. One guy offered to do my shopping for me, just give me your list, he said. I didn't, but I thanked him.  Someone else helped me push the cart to a young woman cashier at the check out place, she said she'd look after it. A store employee named Ben walked me to my car. Then he came back with a water bottle. Then he came back and checked on me again a couple of times.   When I felt better, I went back inside whe

Happy 10th Birthday Faith

Happy 10th Birthday Faith I wanted to honor Faith, my best friend and helper, with a post on her birthday. She is 10 years old today. Faith is my 12th dog and the one I've been closest to. It's the two of us, I talk, she understands, she knows my moods, happy or sad as they may be.  I imagine this happens when you live alone with a good and smart dog. We are very close and our love for each other knows no bounds.  So I've been determined to get over whatever has stopped me from blogging and honor her today.  I'm sorry I disappeared. I've been in a strange mood, never feeling creative, the way I always did earlier. Letting a lot of other things go, as well. I will talk about this in another post.  So one day went and then the next and time moved on.  But all is better now.  And today is the birthday I made up for Faith. When you get a dog from outside the Tractor Supply store, as Errol did with Faith, you don't think to ask for that, so I went back six weeks from
