Monday, December 30, 2024

Retro Posts: Since the blog I started in 2009 no longer works, I'm transferring my favorite posts from that blog to my new blog here

A Retro Post From 2009 - Samson Wants To Play On A Rainy Day

I'm having such a boring day! It just rains and rains and nobody wants to be outside and play.

Angel, will you play with me in the house? Please, please…

Will you look at this weather, it's raining, it's storming and some white stuff is falling from the sky...what did you say, Mommy? Hail? OK, it's hailing too, so what's a dog to do?

Look at all that water – I hope we won't be floating away.

We're stuck in the house, so Angel we might as well just make up a game….

OK, if that's the way you want to be, I'll just make up some game of my own. Like biting your rear end! I bet you didn't like that, so why don't we play 'Steal Mommy's Shoe' -- you don't feel like it? Aww....

OK, I'll just play by myself --- this one's called 'Crossing the Abyss' -- I bet you didn't think I knew such big words, ha!

See, I made it! I crossed -- see Daddy was a mountain climber and he told me a few old stories and taught me some tricks..

Oh, oh! I guess he forgot to tell me how to get back. Woof, woof,  I don't think I like this, it gives me a kind of dizzy feeling….the abyss seems much bigger going this way.

Phew, I made it back in one piece. Climbing isn't as easy as it may seem.


This post reminded me that it used to rain buckets here and each winter would bring snow, sometimes lots of snow. 

I found our home on the internet and as we drove into town, there was a large welcome sign, reading:

Welcome to the Land of Four Seasons

I feel that now, all I can do is to hope for a little bit of the winter part, the part that made me want to move here. At this point, I'd even settle for some buckets, ok, small buckets of rain.

My 15-day weather forecast shows no sign of rain, and temps in the 50's and 60's with one day projected at 45 degrees. Night time temps are in the 30's and 40's, with tonight's and tomorrow night's temps at 31 degrees and one other night at 32. 

I'm now writing about January here...

Just sayin'


  1. Oh, my! Angle and Samson from long ago. What pretty dogs they were.


  2. Hari OM
    That was such a sweet post!!! YAM xx

  3. Love your sweet dogs, I am sure they are missed.
    Take care, enjoy these last days of 2024. I wish you and yours all the best in 2025, a happy and healthy New Year.

  4. We are unseasonably warm here, too. I think it's due to global warming. What a cute post today, even though it is not actually from today!!

  5. Sweet to see your pups. I know you miss them.

  6. I remember Samson - how did he go out to play in the wet mud and still stay so white? Was he a great Pyrenees ?

  7. Beautiful dogs. Somehow, they never leave, as they're always there in your heart.


Sunday Morning Reflections

  Yesterday, I wrote a long, angry blog post about all the craziness, firings of longterm employees, with no consideration, no analyses of w...
