Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Merry Christmas

Here is a Swedish Jultomte to wish you God Jul and Merry Christmas! He was made by my grandparents, well over 100 years ago, from pipe cleaners, yarn and some other things. He is one of my most treasured belongings and it wouldn't be Christmas for me without him.

My grandmother embroidered the most beautiful table cloths, runners, and other decorative things for the home all her life. She was very accomplished and I have some gorgeous tablecloths that I inherited. 

She was well into her 80's when she made this Christmas table runner for me. I remember my grandparents at Christmas and these things bring to life all the Christmases we used to spend together when I was a child.

When we were really young, grandpa would disappear and Santa Claus or Jultomten, as we call him, would come knocking on our door, wondering out loud:  "Have the children of this house been very good this year?"

Our best wishes for a wonderful holiday season.

Inger and Faith


  1. Hari OM
    These heirloom pieces are simply gorgeous - this is what Christmas is for, the memories and the joy they bring. Bless you, Inger and Faith, and may your day be merry and bright! YAM xx

  2. What lovely memories of happy times and beloved people. Wishing you a blessed and peaceful Christmas and a healthy and happy 2025.

  3. Take care, enjoy your day! Merry Christmas, wishing you all the best!

  4. Jultomte has held together remarkably well, but I know you've handled him with care. Your grandmother's embroidery is beautiful. God jul, dear Inger.


  5. Lovely things and lovely memories! Happy Yule, Inger.

  6. How long did it take you to realize it was Grandpa? 😄

  7. This Jultomte took talent to make, it is wonderful! I am off to research exactly what he is and the meaning. And the table runner is gorgeous, you made a lovely Christmas table with it. Will you be with anyone for Christmas? I hope you have a lovely day!

  8. You kept all those items and carried them from one country to another. What a joyous celebration and lovely pieces. Merry Christmas.


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