Monday, December 9, 2024

Mornings With Faith ~ The Rock And The Rollator

Since I need to rest and catch my breath frequently on our walks, I ordered a walker, or as I like to call them, a rollator. It has arrived, but I haven't unpacked it. Kenny will help me today.

I don't need to use it in town, I have my cane to help me there. So for now, I will only use it on our walks, and with that in mind, I ordered one with sturdy terrain tires.  Of course, it's blue. 

So once I get it going, I can stop and rest any time, which I hope will lead to longer walks. I still love to walk, there's nothing wrong with my legs, just this breathing issue. I'm actually seeing the cardiologist today, hopefully, after the tests I've had, he will have some answers for me. I'm a bit worried and scared, but will deal with it. 

All these years, I've rested on our big rock in the front yard and probably still will. Both Faith and I love to sit on the rock to relax and look at the mountains that surround us. We will still sit on our rock, I'm sure of it.

I love her ears and the fluffy fur on her neck.

As we sit there, we may turn into shadows. But don't worry, we always return to our real selves after a while.


  1. Hari Om
    Having my rollator has given me a new lease on getting about. I wish you many happy wanders! YAM xx

    1. Thanks, I'm looking forward to using it and will of course let you guys know how it goes.

  2. I love dogs' velvety ears. Enjoy your rollator.

  3. I am so glad you ordered the rollator, walking is so important for us to be able to keep walking. prayers for your cardio visit today and hope he can tell you good news. Shortness of breathe is a terrible thing to have. Faith is so beautiful, I want to reach in and hug her

  4. Good idea to get the walker you can sit and rest on. I'm hoping for good cardiac news.

  5. So your new walker - will it be able to be used outside on the ground? I hope so. Please let us know what the doctor said today. I take it blue is your favorite color. Faith is a sweetheart.

  6. Sounds like a smart idea to have the walker.

  7. I hope the rollater works out well for you. Also sending best wishes for a good doctor's appointment.

  8. The photo of your two shadows together is very touching. Faith is a wonderful dog, and you are a wonderful human.

  9. I am sure the rollater will work well for you.
    Take care.

    All the best Jan

  10. Aww I have been away for a while but it is so good to see Faith and hear about your walks. I am so glad you are able to continue enjoying your walks and your new rollater sounds wonderful. I think when I am ready for one I would like to get one with a seat. Now, I am praying this comment posts because my comments rarely are able to go on here.


Mondays With Faith ~ Joyful, Joyful

  Joyful, joyful, joyful, as only dogs know how to be happy           with only the autonomy               of their shameless spirit.  –Pabl...
