Sunday, December 8, 2024

Second Sunday In Advent

The candle we light today represents Peace. Such a simple and beautiful word, Peace.  

I'm fortunate to live a very peaceful life here. I have no idea how I would cope with living in or under a threat of war. 

Today, on this day dedicated to peace, I will think of the people in Damascus, the capital of Syria, as rebel forces approach. I'm sure most of the people in the capital want to live peaceful lives, they don't want to face troops, death and destruction.  

I will think of the Swedish Village in Ukraine, bombed by Russia, and 80% destroyed. 

I see films from Ukraine on Swedish TV, young people, so brave, so determined to live happy lives, while under constant threat. Dancing, a lot of dancing in the films and a lot of smiles, young people being young people. Beautiful to see. But they need Peace.

I will think of my blogger friend in Israel, also in a war. Or maybe there's a cease fire, but not sure if in all the conflicts. Looking it up, cease fires have been negotiated, it said, with Lebanon, Hezbollah, Hamas, and new efforts to reach a Gaza cease fire deal are underway. 

I can't even imagine what it would be like to live under those circumstances. 

Those are three places I know of right now, where a lasting Peace is much needed. I'm sure there are more...


  1. Hari Om
    Many more, but the media operates an out of sight, out of mind policy on the bits where politicians don't go... Peace is a diminishing product at the moment. Let us pray extra hard today and every day... YAM xx

  2. Peace is always a hope. It's more than the absence of war. I'm glad your life is a peaceful one, Inger.

  3. we just watched the movie Midway and one about the first black Navy diver, in the 60's. they thought that war would bring peace, but it did not. we appear to be approaching world wide war once again. its everywhere. I too am glad you live a peaceful life

  4. You are right. Living like this is just unimaginable to me. It's a wonder they don't die just from the stress alone. None of us knows what an awful nightmare this must be.

  5. I can't imagine living in countries like that myself. We are so blessed to be living here in the USA! I do wish for world peace too.

  6. I pray that all Beings find peace. Enough of war and violence against people (and animals, birds, all of nature).. One thing I do every morning in meditation is choose peace and love for all. So glad u are posting again.

  7. How beautiful it would be for all the world to know peace.



Mondays With Faith ~ Joyful, Joyful

  Joyful, joyful, joyful, as only dogs know how to be happy           with only the autonomy               of their shameless spirit.  –Pabl...
