Friday, December 6, 2024

A Conversation I Will Not Forget

In line at the post office, I talked to a man.
He told me he went down south to pick up his dad
who, suffering from dementia, was in a bad place.
The man told me his dad has fits of rage, falls down,
gets hurt, wanders off, police has to be called.

I asked the man if he could take care of himself 
in the midst of all this.
He said, “I always thought it weak to take pills,
now I take a Valium every morning 
just to make it through the day”

He told me his mom raised her kids by herself.
“What about your dad?” I asked
“I was terrified of my dad,” he said 
“and glad when he left.
He beat my mom and us children too.
I was very scared of him then.”

“And now you’re taking care of him?”

The man said, simply, “he’s my dad...”


  1. Hari Om
    Such a poignant anecdote...

    Glad to see comments back. Couldn't tell you on the other one how I enjoyed the voice of your dog! YAM xx

  2. It is extraordinary how duty overcomes all else sometimes.

  3. I hope that man finds a solution that gives him peace.

  4. he is a better person than I am, there are many sad stories like this and I am thinking he was just so happy to find someone who would listen and care... I enjoy talking to strangers in lines too

  5. Powerful.

    There is something about that, caring for the one who hurt you. It creates forgiveness and forgiveness sets us free.

    1. Forgive is one of the most important things we can do in life. It does indeed set us free.

  6. Oh my goodness Inger, so nice of you to check him out. So wonderful to take care of his dad - and I think he must of forgave him too. I agree forgiveness sets us free.

  7. What a sad and brave story! Love your last photo!!!

  8. You never know what other's are going through and it helps us to realize there are good people doing what they need to do. I know God will bless him!

  9. There are good and decent people in the world. Beautiful photos.

  10. Thank you for sharing this Inger.
    Thank you too for the lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan

  11. That is a sad story. He must be a special person to take care of his Dad.

  12. What a wonderful example to us all. This man is living the true meaning of grace. I hope that I would be able to do the same. Thankfully, I had wonderful parents and grandparents. Many are not so lucky.

  13. That is a beautiful story of forgiveness. Thanks for sharing it.


Mondays With Faith ~ Joyful, Joyful

  Joyful, joyful, joyful, as only dogs know how to be happy           with only the autonomy               of their shameless spirit.  –Pabl...
