Just thinking about the two large wars, the children and everyone else who suffer and die, makes it too difficult. I will leave the writing to those better qualified than me.
On a personal level, I can say that this was the year when my brain got foggy and only recently recovered. Only forgetfulness lingers, but as long as I remember the things I need to remember and my phone can remind me of the rest, I'm not worried.
A scary thought: about 10% of patients 65 and older develop cognitive decline after surgery.
Fortunately, this didn't happen to me, but I couldn't think as well, manage my money as well, remember things, do cross words and other puzzles, and so on for the year after my surgery.
I also lost a lot of energy and gained a lot of pain. I'm working to resolve both of those issues.
This was also the year I got old. No recovery from that.
But I'm happy, I learned a long time ago, when I finally realized that I would not have children, to accept and let go.
Acceptance is a necessary part of a happy life.