Sunday, December 31, 2023

Sunday Morning Reflections


This last day of 2023, I should perhaps reflect on the year that was, but I don't think I can.

Just thinking about the two large wars, the children and everyone else who suffer and die, makes it too difficult. I will leave the writing to those better qualified than me.

On a personal level, I can say that this was the year when my brain got foggy and only recently recovered. Only forgetfulness lingers, but as long as I remember the things I need to remember and my phone can remind me of the rest, I'm not worried.

A scary thought: about 10% of patients 65 and older develop cognitive decline after surgery. 

Fortunately, this didn't happen to me, but I couldn't think as well, manage my money as well, remember things, do cross words and other puzzles, and so on for the year after my surgery. 

I also lost a lot of energy and gained a lot of pain. I'm working to resolve both of those issues.

This was also the year I got old. No recovery from that.

But I'm happy, I learned a long time ago, when I finally realized that I would not have children, to accept and let go. 

Acceptance is a necessary part of a happy life.




  1. "This was also the year I got old."

    Time flies. Life certainly seemed longer when I was younger. Now I am beginning to realize it moves quickly. 🌹 Happy New Year, Inger.

  2. Hari OM
    Acceptance and/or surrender, changing what we can and moving along with that which we cannot, these are the things to carry us forward... time ticks and will not be fought! All the best as we enter 2024, Inger! YAM xx

  3. I 100% agree with your post and YAMs comment enjoy the present for the GIFT it is
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Bette Davis once said, “Growing old is not for sissies” Happy New Year!

  5. I like your attitude of acceptance and appreciation of being alive, Inger.
    May you have a Happy New Year with good health and peace!

  6. Beautiful photo.
    Happy New Year. Health, happiness, and contentment.

  7. That is a lovely photograph.
    We need to accept and appreciate, not always easy.
    Concentrate on what we can do and enjoy each and every day.

    Sending my good wishes for 2024.

    All the best Jan

  8. The wars and some other events in the news are very depressing. All we can do is hang in there. I've had certain milestone years that I've known my life changed (for the worse) and it was not going to change back so I had to adapt to what came my way.


  9. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Merry Christmas, Happy New Year. This is the year I got OLD too. Sending licks and wags.

  10. Survival, the name of the game for me, I have done it before and will again.. Happy New Year.. I am having the same memory problems and did not have surgery. Old age is NOT just a number

  11. My mom turned 87 in December and she comes from a long line of family members that had dementia and/or Alzheimer's. She has reminded me my whole life to remember things for her because as she says it "Oldtimers is going to get me and I'm not going to remember". She's 87 and sharp as a tack. I believe it's because she's always been a creative, a crafter, a seamstress. Currently her hobby is jewelry making and even though her hands shake and her eyesight suffers she creates the most beautiful piece imaginable. Maybe in the new year you can try painting or zentangle, crocheting or beading for your memory fog...but regardless, you are a very good writer based on what I read today. Happy New Year to you!

  12. Happy 2024 sweetie. I mailed you a card a couple days ago. Your photo shows such a beautiful desert where you live. As I am aging I think about what you write about, aging ain't easy. Sometimes I say my goal is to age disgracefully.


Sunday Morning Reflections

  Yesterday, I wrote a long, angry blog post about all the craziness, firings of longterm employees, with no consideration, no analyses of w...
