Saturday, December 23, 2023

Christmas Merriment In A California Suburb

Early in December, my friend Jane came upon this in her suburban neighborhood. 

A bit later, Santa's sled arrived on the roof of the house. 

And here's Santa again, on the ground. I think he's Donald Duck all dressed up, sharing his space with some plastic flamingos. 

Thank you, Jane and I wish you and Vince a Happy Christmas.



  1. we have a house that looks just like this, even the flamingos. they decorate for every single holiday, all of them, and have blowups like these for each one. I have not seen the santa flamingo float but we don't get out much. I see they have bright sunshine to, and so do you.

  2. Hari OM
    LOL - bringing much needed brightness to this wee corner where the day forgot to brighten and the rain lashes the window like a washing machine! YAM xx

  3. This is almost enough, but I can still see the house peeking out! Merry Christmas, Inger!

  4. These photographs made me smile :)

    Merry Christmas Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  5. Merry Christmas, Inger and Faith. I wish you good health, peace, love, hope and contentment.
    Someone really went serious with the inflatable Christmas ornaments. lol... Thanks for sharing.


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