Wednesday, November 29, 2023

A Truck Full Of Garlic

 This truck is most likely coming through our area from Gilroy, California, which is considered the Garlic Capital of the World.

Gilroy is home to the Christopher Ranch, the largest grower and processor of garlic in the United States. The first Mr. Christopher to settle in the area was a Danish immigrant who grew plums that he processed into prunes. I wasn't able to learn why later the Christopher family switched to farming garlic. 

There's a Garlic Festival in Gilroy every year, featuring all kinds of food cooked with garlic. Mmmm, this sounds so good!

I love garlic so I smile a happy smile when I see one of these trucks.



  1. Hari OM
    Unfortunately, since menopause, garlic makes me unwell - even the smell can make me gag. Let's not talk about what it does to my gut... YAM xx

  2. I love garlic also, alas IBS hates it. as in instant hate.. i cooked with it in a lot of things, bob love it too. now we use garlic powder/salt but its not as good as the real thing. i am betting that truck stunk to high heaven

  3. Hello,
    I love garlic too, it is nice to see that truck full of garlic. Take care, have a great day!

  4. I love garlic, too, and never saw a truckload before!

  5. What an amazing sight. I never saw so much garlic in one place. I'm a lover of garlic and I wouldn't be caught without garlic. Thanks for sharing this photo with us today. I even use garlic in pizza. Whenever I cook spaghetti, I peel a handful of garlic and through a handful of whole garlic in the last 5 minutes of boiling the spaghetti. It doesn't stink up the house and I get healthy benefit of the garlic. Those who don't like garlic than can leave them out.

  6. Wow that's a lot of garlic. Something we eat a lot of here at my house.

  7. That looks a lot of garlic on the truck.
    It's great in cooking isn't it.

    All the best Jan


Nature Friday

  View from our house on a California winter's day...
