Sunday, September 15, 2024

Taking A Break

I'm taking a short break because I need to figure out some additions I want to make to the new blog design you see here.  

I'm choosing this template because I want to go back to where I was all those years from 2009 until my old blog lost it's comments section and I had to start over. I was never happy with the way my new blog worked. It looked fine, but didn't work the way I wanted it to. 

So I'm going to try again, changing the design of my current blog to the design you see here. And add the features I liked to have on my old blog to this one. How great it would be if one could just copy them, but I don't think that's possible. So it will take some time. 

As I was going through my files, I found some Blogger information from 2010. It was fun to look back on and it inspired me to want to have the kind of blog I had for so many years. 

I should be back soon.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Unanticipated Benefits of Walking With a Cane

I've met so many kind and helpful people since I began to use a cane. Does living in a small town have something to do with it? Perhaps, but I hope not.

Here are a few examples from the post office:

There are two sets of doors leading into our local post office. One day, a handsome older gentleman walked a bit ahead of me through the two doors. Then I saw him bend over something, which turned out to be the backside of the lock on the last of the two doors. By now that door had closed. 

I opened and carefully walked through the door and asked the man what he was doing. "Oh," he said," I was just trying to open the door for you. But I couldn't get a grip on this lock." 

Well, he would have had to pull the door open. And if you've seen the backside of a large door lock, you know it's pretty flat and there's no chance you will ever be able to pull a heavy door open by grabbing it. 

But it was a lovely try and I thanked him for it.

Another time, a teenage girl came running past me and I wondered why she was in such a hurry. When she reached the doors, she stopped, waited and held both doors open for me. 

Finally, after I picked up a rather heavy package and had some trouble holding it and the cane, a small boy, about seven years old, came up to me and asked if he could carry the package for me. 

I told him the package was very heavy, so maybe not, but perhaps he could run ahead and hold the doors open for me. The little boy just lit up with a huge grin, ran ahead and held both doors open for me. 

I thanked him profusely and told him he was a really great kid. 

He just smiled a big smile and I think we both made each other's day, that time in our local post office.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Sunday Morning Reflections

 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace,
whose mind is stayed on thee:
because he trusteth in thee.
                                                           Isaiah 26:3

Taking A Short Break

  Last Monday, I went to have my lungs examined and while at their office, I asked to get the pulmonary vaccine.  I've never had any pro...
