Wednesday, February 5, 2025

A Retro Post from 2010 ~ Samson Plays Doctor

Retro posts are favorite posts I transfer from the blog I started in 2009, where suddenly no comments would post and all comments between 2009 and 2023 disappeared. After that happened, I had to give up on that blog and start this new one.

At the time I posted this, Samson was a little over a year old and Angel was about 12.

Oh, hi Mommy, maybe you better take that camera and go away so I can examine Angel.

Ack, that nose doesn't look so good. It looks awfully red to me. I will prescribe some more medicine for you and discuss this with Mommy.

Now, let me check your ears. You are such a good patient, Angel, let me just sniff in there. It smells good and clean to me.

And now I have to examine the other end. I know you don't like it, but I have to make sure all your ends are OK.

Sniff, sniff: It smells good to me.

Oh, you want to go outside now? Ok, we can do the rest out there.

I know you eat very well now, but you're still awfully skinny. We have to do something about that. I prescribe some walks for you to make sure you get some more appetite and gain some weight. And I have to discuss your nose medicines with Mommy. Other than that, you are good to go.

These are my final instructions: Make Mommy take you for a good walk every day; eat all your dinner; let Mommy put that cream on your nose too -- those pills are not enough. And let me kiss your ears every time I come and see you.  Then you will feel at least a whole year younger. And that's seven human years.....

Someone asked about Samson's breed:

Samson was a Samoyed, an ancient breed, here's some of the breed's history:

The Samoyed is an ancient breed of dog that originated in Siberia and has a long history: 
  • Origin
    The Samoyed breed dates back to 1000 BCE and originated with the Samoyede people, a nomadic tribe that lived in northern Russia and Siberia. The dogs were originally called bjelkiers and were used for herding reindeer, pulling sleds, and hunting bears. 
Samson was an awesome dog, he was the absolute best. 


  1. I imagine Gracie and Samson have finally met face to face and are musing about how they were engaged back in Blogville. It was such a fun time for us bloggers... I'm glad you have Faith and Bubbles is with me. Thinking about you, my dear friend, and hoping all is well.

  2. I know I commented here a day or so ago!
    Blogger does play up sometimes!!!

    I enjoyed this retro post.

    All the best Jan


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