Monday, December 2, 2024

Mornings With Faith -- One Day Last Week

Faith and I have walked most mornings for all of her life. When I was a bit younger, we used to hike in the hills on my property, these days, I prefer to walk down below our house where the land is flat. 

Faith doesn't care, she's ten years old now, but in great shape and runs everywhere like a young dog.

Here are some photos from an overcast and drissly day last week.

I've never been a sun worshiper, but living in the California high desert mountains I've had to get used to the sun and accept that it really likes to shine here. All of the time. So when the weather changes, as it did one day last week, I'm a happy woman who can't wait to take Faith for a walk.

Here she's finding out who visited us durning the night, usually coyotes, rabbits, and all the mice who come out at night. When they are not visiting me in our house, the mice that is.

This road goes to my gate and then continues as the road I share with my neighbors. After about an eighth of a mile our private road runs into the main road that goes through the canyon.

I love how the clouds came down over the mountains.

The sun tried to break through, but didn't really have a chance. 

I enjoyed the overcast and drizzly morning very much and I think Faith did too.


  1. I can relate, we are waiting for rain and I will feel just like this when we finally get it. so glad the two of you could walk and enjoy your rain... dreary can be a different kind of beauty and rain is a need for sure...

  2. A change in the weather is often to be welcomed and rain after a long dry spell is a benison.

  3. Such a welcome change after a long dry season. I guess Faith doesn't mind either way.

  4. I can almost hear the silence in that overcast sky. Looks so peaceful.

  5. Sorry I have been missing this week - I have been in Ohio visiting my son and his family for Thanksgiving. Let me tell you that 17 degrees in Ohio is a lot colder than 17 degrees in GA. It was brutal.
    I can see why you called this Desert Canyon. Gee the weather looked threatening. I was wondering how old Faith was - 10. Looks peaceful there - did you get rain?

    1. It was drizzling a bit. Sorry you ran into such cold weather,

  6. You have a lot of property. It must be glorious to walk with no hot sun beating down on you!

  7. I love the beauty in that sky. I like a bit of dreary weather and always have. Love seeing Faith out and about smelling all the smells :)

  8. I love that you are sharing photos again. You have a big property - i imagine the night sky is amazing up there.

  9. 😊 Thanks for taking me along.


Sunday Morning Reflections

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