Monday, November 6, 2023

A Helicopter At Work


Last month, Edison, our power company, installed new power poles in our area. 

Joyce had a pole that needed to be changed in a place that couldn't be reached by a truck, so it  was arranged to have a helicopter come and move the pole to the installation site. 

This, of course, was a lot of fun to watch and a great opportunity to get some pictures of this unusual event.

I don't have a camera, so using my phone, these are the pictures I was able to capture. 

It was pretty amazing to see the power pole emerging and be flown across the fields.

The installation site was too far away so I couldn't get any pictures of the final result of this amazing flight. The pole landed exactly where it was supposed to and there were Edison employees there to place it into the ground. 

So all went well, without incident, I think they call it. 

And it was a very fun morning for me. I've never seen anything like it.  


  1. Hari OM
    Oooh, that gave me nostlagic memories, Inger... my dad was an electrical engineer and project managed many such installations in country that required the use of helicopters sometimes. Always fun to watch. I am so glad you got these images and had this entertainment! YAM xx

    1. I'm so happy that good memories returned after you read my post.

  2. The world of entertainment came to you this time. That does look like fun.

  3. I would have loved to be there, I watch all kinds of things here too. I bet it was noisy also. ad I know you are glad to have safe power poles. life with no power means life with no blogs or e-friends. so much to see in life if we LOOK and look you did. I read you good bye post on your old blog.

    1. Yes, it was noisy, but in a good way. And not only did we get new poles, we also got new lines, treated for fire safety.

  4. How amazing to watch! Congrats on your new blog too! YAY! You did it!

  5. Hi Inger - great to be here ... though the link should be:
    without the www. - as you mention on your hold blog.

    It must have been fun watching - so many technical upgrades now-a-days ... while they are usually so pinpoint in their work. Cheers and congratulations on getting here - Hilary

  6. Hi Inger and welcome to your new blog. How exciting to have a new blog that you can manage easier. Thanks for sharing this exciting event of having a new pole installed by helicopter for Joyce. I had never seen such a thing either.

    Take care and stay well.


  7. You got some great photographs of this work event, well done.

    Following your recent comment on the low carb diabetic blog, I do hope your telephone meeting with your diabetes nurse practitioner Monday morning was helpful.

    Sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  8. I don't remember ever seeing this before. When my boys were little, when workers would do their jobs, we'd sit outside and watch. Cheap entertainment and I was surprised how well it would hold their attention. That was the whole point!

  9. Looked like a fun and entertaining adventure. So glad you are blogging again.

  10. Hello again Inger
    Thanks for your recent comment on the low carb diabetic blog letting me know that your telephone meeting with the DNP went well.
    Pleased that several adjustments were made to your pump and your nurse practitioner told you that you could call her if it doesn't work. That's good news :)

    Take care.

    All the best Jan


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